How to buy IOEN

The IOEN token is an Ethereum based token that will be used for value transfer between IOEN connected MicroGrids. It will also be enabled as the denomination for users within those connected grids to on/off ramp value. Finally token holders will be able to influence, contribute, and vote on elements of connected grid projects and in time benefit from value produced from that project.

Connect, contribute and benefit from these connected services through your holdings.

The simplest way to buy the IOEN Token is from one of the Exchange Service like a Centralized or Decentralized Exchange -, Uniswap or Quickswap.

Instructions are listed below:

How to buy from UniSwap

Buying tokens from DEXs like UniSwap can be a tricky process. Follow the instructions below to keep out of trouble.

Before buying on Uniswap you'll need

Metamask Wallet

Download and install Metamask to your browser.
Here's a Metamask tutorial in case you get stuck.


Purchase Ethereum to cover gas (transaction) fees. You can purchase through Metamask by opening wallet and clicking buy.

A Token to swap

Purchase a token you wish to swap for IOEN. Easiest option is to purchase enough Ethereum to cover gas fees and IOEN purchase.

Purchase Instructions

Step 1

Make sure you have a token in your wallet that you want to swap for IOEN and enough ETH to cover gas fees. View UniSwap Swap Fee.

Step 2

Copy the token contract code below.

Step 3

Open UniSwap and tap/click 'Select a Token'.

Step 4

Paste the code into the search bar, then tap/click 'Import'.

Step 5

A warning message will appear saying the token does not appear on the active token list. This is to be expected, tap/click on the Import button again.

Step 6

If you haven't already, connect your preferred wallet to UniSwap by tapping/clicking 'Connect Wallet' and selecting your wallet.

Step 7

If you haven't already, select the token you wish to swap for IOEN. Enter the amount you want to swap then tap/click Swap.

Step 8

Confirm the details are correct and tap/click Confirm Swap.

Step 9

Confirm the transaction through your wallet.

How to buy from QuickSwap

Buying tokens from DEXs like QuickSwap can be a tricky process. Follow the instructions below to keep out of trouble.

Step 1

Make sure your wallet is connected to Polygon network. How to connect Metamask to Polygon.

Step 2

Make sure you have MATIC in your wallet. You can buy Polygon MATIC through exchanges or with a credit card via platforms like Transak. How to buy Polygon MATIC.

Step 3

Tap/click the button below to copy the Token Contact code.

Step 4

Open QuickSwap and tap/click 'Select a Token'.

Step 5

Paste the code into the search bar, then tap/click on the IOEN token when it appears.

Step 6

If you haven't already, connect your preferred wallet to QuickSwap by tapping/clicking 'Connect Wallet' and selecting your wallet.

Step 7

Enter the amount of MATIC you want to swap then tap/click Swap.

Step 8

Confirm the details are correct and tap/click Confirm Swap.

Step 9

Confirm the transaction through your wallet.

Step 10

Sit back and let the magic happen! Once processed QuickSwap will show a message saying the transaction has been submitted.

Add IOEN token to Metamask

Sometimes the IOEN token does not appear in your wallet after purchasing. To add the token manually follow the steps below.

Step 1

Open Metamask. Under Assets tab scroll to the bottom and tap/click Import Token.

Step 2

Copy the code for IOEN or sIOEN below.

Step 3

Select the Custom Token tab, paste the code in the field titled Token Contract Address then tap/click 'Add custom token' and then 'Import Tokens'.